Taylor Swift CoverGirl Ad Recalled

Publish date: 2024-06-30

Taylor Swift may have long eyelashes, but they’re not nearly as long as they look in an ad for CoverGirl’s Nature Luxe Mousse Mascara. After reading the fine print at the bottom of the advertisement, which explains that Swift’s lashes were “enhanced in post-production,” The National Advertising Division ruled that it was misleading. Proctor & Gamble, which owns Covergirl, has since announced that it has withdrawn the ad. Lawyers working on the case argued that since the photo is essentially a product demonstration, it misleads potential buyers. “This isn’t a question of airbrushing,” said the director of the National Advertising Division. “It’s a question of actually demonstrating what your lashes will look like when you use this product.” This ruling marks the first time that NAD has gone after a beauty company.

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